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Guide to Generate Infinite Game Assets by Fine-tuning Stable Diffusion

2023-12-04 12:21 Learn AI
Hello everyone,

In this post, I want to share my first attempt to generate 2D game assets using stable diffusion. There is a lot to optimize in this flow, and I will likely do follow-up posts about it, but I believe this is a good start.

I’m not the first to attempt something like this, and there are even folks and companies who are way ahead, about to turn this into a commercial product. For example, some mind-blowing work by

Overview of what I did

I started with getting some 2d assets that I wanted to iterate on. In this case, I got ~100 images of shields from You can likely achieve similar or better results with a smaller or larger number of images, and you can get them wherever you like, whether it’s painting by hand or using SD or MidJourney to generate them.
For fine-tuning, I used EveryDream trainer. It’s a very interesting alternative to Dreambooth implementations, and I’ll do more deep dives into ED. Meantime, check out their Discord.
After fine-tuning, I used Automatic1111 WebUI (link to our way of installing it) and generated a bunch of variations using txt2img and img2img.

Step-by-step guide

1 - Caption your assets

First, install EveryDream Tools:

  • Start WSL or however you navigate in your folders. In my case, I go to my base directory: cd ~
  • Type: git clone
  • Go to the directoy: cd EveryDream/
  • I had issues installing the environment with environment.yaml so doing it manually
  • Let’s create the environment first: conda create --name edtools python=3.10
  • Activate environment: conda activate edtools
  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Manually install one more package:
  • pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 --extra-index-url
  • And clone Blip:
  • git clone scripts/BLIP

Now we caption the images

  • Place your assets in the input folder of the EveryDream repo. There is a folder inside the directory we cloned called input, and I pasted my 100 images of shields inside there.
  • Then run the following command: python scripts/
  • Now check the results in the output folder of the EveryDream directory. Make sure all items contain the name of a thing that you are training for. In my case, it’s “shield,” and I had to change a few names manually from an “umbrella” or “round object”.
  • Now instead of a shield, I will be using some random identifiers. Inspired by this Reddit post. Link I ended up choosing a combination of two rare random tokens: “loeb bnha”
  • Let’s replace “shield” in those names with “loeb bnha” using this command:
  • python scripts/ --img_dir output --find "shield" --replace "loeb bnha"
  • The training data is ready. This is how it looks in my case

2 - Fine-tuning using EveryDream

Installation of EveryDream Trainer

  • Once again, I start by going to my base directory: cd ~. make sure the conda environment is deactivated: conda deactivate
  • Clone the everyream trainer repo: git clone
  • Go inside the folder: cd everydream-trainer/
  • Create environment: conda env create -f environment.yaml
  • And activate the environment: conda activate everydream

Fine-tuning process

  • Open the directory folder: explorer.exe .
  • And if there is no folder called “training_samples”, create a new one
  • Inside training samples, I create a folder called “shields” and paste my captioned images there
  • Go back to the base everydream folder and paste the ckpt that you’ll be using as a source. In my case, it’s the v1.5 emaonly.
  • For this initial test, I won’t optimize anything; I’ll be covering that later.
  • Simply launch the training with the command: python --base configs/stable-diffusion/v1-finetune_micro.yaml -t --actual_resume v1-5-pruned-emaonly.ckpt -n shield_1 --data_root training_samples/shields
  • This will run the training. In my case, I have 100 images. The default micro setting is to show each image 60 times per epoch, 4 images at a time. So 100/4*60=1500 steps per epoch + testing/validation steps. I’m training for 6 epochs total.
  • At the end of each epoch, ckpt will be generated to find the optimal one.
  • With 2 seconds per iteration, I expect a training time of 2*1700*6/60 = 340 minutes. Probably a bit too many repeats/epochs, but let’s see if the results are worth it.
  • After seeing the results, I can tell that 1 or at most 2 epochs would have been plenty

Preparing ckpt files to generate images

  • Once fine-tuning is done, go to the logs folder in everydream-trainer and open the checkpoints folder. In my case, it is everydream-trainer\logs\shields2022-12-04T23-53-20_shield_1\checkpoints
  • You should see multiple checkpoints, one for each epoch + the one called last.ckpt. Usually, the latter is the same as the last epoch’s file.
  • I can tell that 6 epochs, in this case, was total overkill, and I could have done much smaller tuning. I’ll write more about it later, but you can play with adjusting the number of repeats and epochs in the YAML file before fine-tuning. In this case, the file would have been everydream-trainer\configs\stable-diffusion\v1-finetune_micro.yaml
  • The ckpt files in the logs directory are usually not pruned, 11GB files. To prune them, you can go to a folder called scripts, copy the file called and paste it into the folder of logs with ckpt
  • Then from your console:
  • go to that folder: cd logs/shields2022-12-04T23-53-20_shield_1/checkpoints/
  • And run python --ckpt last.ckpt
  • You’ll see a new pruned ckpt file generated that’s 2GB
  • Copy the ckpt file and paste into the model folder for Automatic WebUI. In my case stable-diffusion-webui\models\Stable-diffusion

3 - Let’s generate some assets

  • Launch SD WebUI as usual and load the pruned checkpoint you just copied
  • For the first generation, I only changed the Batch Size to 8 and used “loeb bnha” as a prompt.
  • This is already promising. Another way to generate interesting results is by pasting one of the captions I used for training data. So let’s try: a blue loeb bnha with a lightning bolt sticking out of it's center and rivets around it
  • Let’s try to get a bit creative: a blue loeb bnha with the face of hulk on it
  • My model is overtrained, so I pruned the ckpt after the first epoch, loaded it, and tried several of the same prompts. I think something in-between is optimal in this case
  • All future images are generated with the first checkpoint, ie, the one generated after the first epoch.
  • Img2img is another great way to generate variations. You can send one of the generated images or use the original images as a starting point. I’m doing the latter in this case. Here are some more examples of what I managed to generate